Youth: the age of innocence

Pirelli Tower, Milan

November 10 – December 1, 2021

Curated by Biba Giacchetti and Fausto Fabiano

Promoted by the Consulate general of Switzerland and the Regional Council of Lombardy, the exhibition “Youth” represents Kurt Ammann’s account of youth. The totally new selection dedicated to this exhibition spans several decades and ranges from Switzerland to Japan, Brazil to Turkey, Italy to Korea and Ghana. The children and young people in it surprisingly all speak the same language, that of universal feelings. Ammann’s images are metaphorically silent, and filled with respect for the subjects who animate them. They induce observation without the need to impose themselves. They are composed, exact, and yet they stay with us, come back to us, pacify us. It is a subtle and profound exhibition that, through the gentle beauty of the images, seeks to deepen the importance of this passage of existence.
